OK so who's a big fan of SkyKid ?
Well.. me at least.
as the ROM's for Skykid Deluxe ( SkyKid DX ) were dumped it became a
personal crusade to get
this running on the Rolling Thunder Namco 'system 86' game board. The
Hardware used for Skykid DX is almost identical to the Rolling Thunder
PCB, this boardset is referred to as 'system 86'. A change of one of the address decoding custom chips stops
the upgrade being a straight ROM swap. The Hardware differences
are pretty minor, some control addresses are modified
to different locations. The Interrupt enable/watchdog timer reset are
modified on the sound CPU, and the watchdog reset is modified on the sub
CPU. Two simple program hacks and the game
will happily run on a unmodified Rolling thunder.
The following is a walk through of doing
the upgrade, the only problems I can see if getting the color PROM's
burned. Fortunately I had a universal programmable available that
could handle
these things.
Please Note: No Rolling Thunder boards were
harmed during this upgrade, a specially trained volunteer board
willingly stepped forward to be 'upgraded'.
Before you Start
This conversion hack requires a certain level
of technical ability so DO NOT attempt this without the
correct tools and some experience in board level work.
What Makes it 'Deluxe'
The game features upgraded music a few new
characters appear, hidden bonuses, modified missions, flying while it's snowing ( that's kinda cool !). Not a dramatic
change to SkyKid but worth the effort of the upgrade, in my opinion.